
oh, Boo...

McCain is now freakin' out that Obama used the term "putting lipstick on a pig" - accusing him of directly insulting Palin (why Mr. McCain... are you implying that Palin is a pig?) but the most ironic part? McCain used the same phrase when discussing Hillary Clinton's health-care plan.

Ah well... does any of this actually surprise anyone? Smear tactics and politics as usual in the McCain camp... par for the course and all that. What a maverick of change, no?


Anonymous said...


But Obama played into the crowds reaction and went along with it, unlike McCain's reference


MellanKelly said...

Mr. Jasper: But Obama played into the crowds reaction and went along with it, unlike McCain's reference

Mellankelly: Right, because McCain's reference got no reaction from the crowd - and McCain wasn't "playing into" them at all, right? Please Jasper, there was absolutely no difference between McCain's reference and Obama's reference... you can delude yourself all you'd like but it all comes down to politics as usual (by both parties). What galled me was the hypocrisy of the McCain campaign in this instance.

MellanKelly said...

Oh, and just an f.y.i, I don't mind if you refer to me as Kelly (that's my name and all) but my sisters name is "MK" and she is also an author on this blog so it will get confusing if you refer to me as "MK". Just wanted to give you a heads up!