Anonymous writes:
Thanks Kelly, you receive a rather low grade
Kelly, thanks for the article. I did have the attention span to read it, considering that I must deal with over 90 university philosophy students every day, many of whom present arguments far more coherent and intellectually advanced than yours. For example:
Dude, if you're going to claim to be a professor of philosphy at "a university" you might want to try doing a little research about a) philosphy and b) professors... maybe we'll just throw in c) university, for a fully rounded education. And yes, the comment just ended with "example:" and no, there was no example and on top of that, it was posted twice. I replied with:
I know you're trying to tell me something, but alas, what is it... what is it? And why on earth did you post it twice? You're a strange bird, Anonymous, PhD.
Fucking Tool.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
4 days ago
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