Mr. Jasper: Bodily invasion? How cruel.
Mellankelly: Tsk, Tsk... Mr. Jasper, you simply must keep up dear. This is where reading comprehension becomes an issue. I wrote what I meant and I meant exactly what I wrote: No person (including a child) has the right to force another person (inluding it's parent) to undergo any form of bodily invasion (not even a blood test) without the persons consent. Both common law and statutory law have long upheld the right of a person to refuse to allow others to invade his or her bodily integrity. If you do not understand how our legal system works, I suggest you do a little research... all of the information is out there just waiting for you, Jasper.
Further, your silly little fairy tale has absolutely no relevance to an unwanted pregnancy - do you honestly believe that every time a woman has sex she is consenting to become pregnant? That would be completely contrary to reality. The fact is that over half of the women who experience an unwanted pregnancy were using birth control during the month that they became pregnant - they took precausions to ensure that they would not become pregnant. Your little "opening the gate" comment (which is quite vulgar, in my opinion) has no relevance in that circumstance.
Mr. Jasper: Like I said in my 'fairy tale', you open gate and let the child into womb, it wasn't the child's decision
Mellankelly: What child? That's disgusting, Jasper.
Mr. Jasper: You DO NOT have the right to murder the child.
Mellankelly: Exactly. NEITHER DO you.
Mr. Jasper: Now go tell your children they invaded your body. I dare you. Nice Mom you are.
Mellankelly: Okay. Oh, my son wonders if that's why I make him clean the house like my "personal maid", walk the dog & scoop the poop and fold & put away his own clothes (hmmm, come to think of it, maybe that is the reason). Also, he really loved that movie, Invasion Of The Body Snatchers, so he's way cool with the thought of having invaded my body. He wanted me to ad a P.S. - he thinks I'm the greatest mom, ever (although I must admit that he's recently had his 16th birthday and is still awaiting his gift from us so maybe that was a bit of a stretch.) Thanks for that!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
4 days ago
"No person (including a child) has the right to force another person (inluding it's parent) to undergo any form of bodily invasion (not even a blood test) without the persons consent. Both common law and statutory law have long upheld the right of a person to refuse to allow others to invade his or her bodily integrity."
What the heck are you taking about? do you think the child is an alien from space who invaded your womb? It's human life that growing inside of you.
"If you do not understand how our legal system works, I suggest you do a little research... all of the information is out there just waiting for you, Jasper."
Do mean the so-called "right to privacy" that scummy lawyers and judges invented to fit there agenda and allow baby killing?
"Further, your silly little fairy tale has absolutely no relevance to an unwanted pregnancy"
My story is completely relevent, you must not having paying attention.
"do you honestly believe that every time a woman has sex she is consenting to become pregnant?"
Yes, you take that risk when you sleep with a man.
"That would be completely contrary to reality. The fact is that over half of the women who experience an unwanted pregnancy were using birth control during the month that they became pregnant - they took precausions to ensure that they would not become pregnant."
Not good enough precautions..try abstinance and stop sleeping around. Most women who have abortions are not married. Fornication is a sin.
"Your little "opening the gate" comment (which is quite vulgar, in my opinion) has no relevance in that circumstance."
It's a metaphor. and yes it does have relevance.
"Mellankelly: Exactly. NEITHER DO you."
Exactly?? are you saying unborn children don't count? Mellankelly, when you were pregnant with children, tell me, when they kicked inside of you, did you say "the baby kicked" or "the fetus kicked" or maybe you said (since you believe in bodily invasions) "the alien kicked". which was it?
"Mellankelly: Okay. Oh, my son wonders if that's why I make him clean the house like my "personal maid", walk the dog & scoop the poop and fold & put away his own clothes (hmmm, come to think of it, maybe that is the reason). Also, he really loved that movie, Invasion Of The Body Snatchers, so he's way cool with the thought of having invaded my body."
That's good he helps with the chores, I'm part of the "scoop the poop" club too.
"He wanted me to ad a P.S. - he thinks I'm the greatest mom, ever (although I must admit that he's recently had his 16th birthday and is still awaiting his gift from us so maybe that was a bit of a stretch.) Thanks for that! "
Look, I don't doubt you're a good Mom, I bet you are. I think you get the point I was trying to make.
my bday was Aug 19th...
some info on me:
I'm 41, wife 2kids and live in liberal Massachusetts. I'm a moderator at
Your side will never be able to win this debate. We are not a great nation if we allow the killing of unborn children.
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