* God is not affected in any way by abortion.
* God loves women.
* God loves women who have terminated their pregnancies.
* God loves all of Her creatures.
* God loves pro-choice and anti-abortion people.
* Abortion has existed as long as women have been biologically able to become pregnant.
* Abortion is a good, moral choice for a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy.
* Abortion is not a sin.
* God does not create zombies via raising dead people from their graves - that's freaky-deaky!
* "Abortion" has no "desire" (abortion is a medical procedure not capable of desiring anything.)
* A woman has an abortion when her desire is to not have a baby (kudos on keeping with the anti-abortion attempt to take women out of the equation.)
* For some women facing an unwanted pregnancy, abortion is the only choice filled with hope.
* Satan is imaginary. (due to man-kinds inability to accept responsibility for it's own misfortune.)
* Abortion is not evil.
* Evil is the logical opposite to the concept of good (which all of Gods creation possess.) without evil mankind could not perfect it's soul.
* The pregnant woman/embryo*fetus relationship is unitary... the only reason this relationship could ever be considered adversarial is when anti-abortion extremists believe that they (and not the pregnant woman) know what is best for the woman and her embryo/fetus (whereby taking rights away from pregnant women and giving them to her embryo/fetus.)
* Abortion plays no role in the relationship between men and women, mothers and children, or people and God.
PS "hisman" sounds like a real wanker. - why would some whack-job claim to speak for God or Satan? And why should I care what his personal opinions are?
The HOA really hates us, I think.
4 days ago
"PS "hisman" sounds like a real wanker."
better a wanker than a killer.
Anyone who supports criminalizing abortion would be a killer. It's just that in your twisted world it is better to be a killer of women than a killer of fertilized eggs (how sick that is).
I'm sorry about that comment I made. You're just frustrating me because you won't give an inch.
Wow, maybe I should post as "anonymous" (aka: spine-less) so I wouldn't have to back up any of my comments :)
love ya sistah!
Mr. Anonymous (or Mr. Jasper - if that is you):
Why do you expect me to "give an inch"? Every abortion is different - every woman is different. Woman have many reasons for choosing to terminate their pregnancy... why should what you or I think about abortion matter even the tiniest bit to these women?
My opinion and your opinion are completely and utterly irrelevant in the life of a woman who wishes to terminate her pregnancy. Boo!
Yes, that was me.
"My opinion and your opinion are completely and utterly irrelevant in the life of a woman who wishes to terminate her pregnancy."
then why can't a Mother have late-term abortions for any reason?
"Wow, maybe I should post as "anonymous" (aka: spine-less) so I wouldn't have to back up any of my comments :)
love ya sistah!"
Sister feminazi,
I'm not hiding, I forgot to add my name.
Your sister (?) aleady knows a little about me. I'm a moderator at JillStanek.com, I live in Massachusetts, I'm 41 (wife and 2 kids), I go by the name of Jasper but thats not my real name (it's the name of my german-shepard mix dog). My real name is Steve. My political party doesn't throw women Presidential candidates under the bus, we recognize their achievements.
Mr. Jasper:
My political party doesn't throw women Presidential candidates under the bus, we recognize their achievements
Your political party has never had any female presidential candidates to throw...
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