Mellankelly: Too bad terminating an unwanted pregnancy (for any reason) isn't evil. Also, terminating an unwanted pregnancy most certainly solves the problem of not wanting to have a baby... so you're 0 for 2 per usual.
Your idea's about what a pregnancy should mean to a woman are completely irrelevant to anyone other than you. I know you fancy yourself a judge of truth and knowledge but when you do so, you are shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods (my favorite quote ever, thank you Einstein).
And dude... this is what an abortion at 6 weeks looks like (important to note that 63% are performed within eight weeks gestation - calculated from the beginning of the last menstrual period and 90% occur in the first trimester)

Mr. Jasper: 98% of abortions are elective, for matters of convienance
Mellankelly: Says you... this is how it breaks down (the most recent information)
- 74% Concern for/Responsibility to other Individuals
- 73% Cannot afford a baby now
- 69% A baby would interfere with school/employment/ability to care for dependents
- 48% Would be a single parent/having relationship problems
- 38% Have completed childbearing
* Most women who decide to terminate understand the responsibility of parenthood; a majority already have children
* 89% of women gave more than one reason - the average number of reasons being four.
* Each year, about 10,000 to 15,000 abortions occur among women whose pregnancies were the result of rape or incest
When you use words like "matters of convenience" you are belittling the struggles that real women (a majority) endure in their lifetime - which is not surprising considering that you will never experience those struggles. You come off misogynistic, I'm not sure if that is by accident or by nature.
I suppose I should thank you, Mr. Jasper, men like you are the reason why I will do everything in my power to ensure that women are given the respect they deserve and a guarantee that women and women alone get to decide the course of their own pregnancies... and my daughters will keep up the good fight when I'm gone... and their daughters will keep up the good fight... and so on and so on and so on. Merci.
MellenKelly, no comment on the pictures I posted? Says a lot.
“I know you fancy yourself a judge of truth and knowledge but when you do so, you are shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods (my favorite quote ever, thank you Einstein).
And dude... this is what an abortion at 6 weeks looks like (important to note that 63% are performed within eight weeks gestation - calculated from the beginning of the last menstrual period and 90% occur in the first trimester)”
Abortion is an affront to the creative nature of God, it negates God as Creator,
Abortion denies the power of God to right a wrong, it negates God as Redeemer,
Abortion makes that which is good, the birth of human life, into that which is evil, the death of human life, and then calls it good, the very definition of blasphemy,
Abortion negates the resurrection power of God as it takes flesh that is alive in it's earthly abode (the womb) and kills it, while God takes that flesh which is dead in it's earthly abode (the grave) and desires to make it alive,
Abortion's desire is to take that which was composed from the chaotic array of elemental molecules into a symphony of life infused with an eternal soul, and turn it back to the entropy of randomness, chaos, nothingness, uselessness.
Abortion is against all that is hopeful, all that requires faith for success; for it's solution; annihilation, it's goal; death, it's dream; breaking God's heart, it's vision, Satan's ultimate power.
Abortion is a counterfeit, for the clawprints of Satan are everywhere to be found in its performance;
Abortion disguises hate as love, bondage as freedom, choice as maturity, sin as righteousness, political correctness as wisdom,
Abortion pits men against women, mothers against their children, fathers against God,
Yes, abortion is Satan's feeble attempt at killing God Himself, for abortion is a metaphor for Satan; it is his coat of arms, his family crest, his logo, his brand, it belongs to him......for he laughs at its willing proponents as they craft their own self-destruction, mantled in self-deception."
Copyright 2007, 2008 by HisMan
You’re sadly misinformed. One of the other moderators at recently had a miscarriage at 6 weeks. Arms, legs and head are formed, brain waves are detected:
“I suppose I should thank you, Mr. Jasper, men like you are the reason why I will do everything in my power to ensure that women are given the respect they deserve and a guarantee that women and women alone get to decide the course of their own pregnancies...”
You can criticize me all you want. The respect they deserve is not from an abortionist’s scalpel.
It is not surprising that anti-abortion extremists would exploit a woman's miscarriage in an attempt to further their cause, however, it is not necessary. The photo of the miscarriage (God bless this woman) and the photo of what a 6 week abortion looks like are both factual. I see no reason why one would negate the other. What I do see is a desperate attempt to compare a spontaneous abortion of a very much wanted pregnancy to that of an abortion of a very much unwanted pregnancy. Dude, you seriously need help.
Mr. Jasper:
brain waves are detected
Regarding your misrepresentation of fetal "brain waves", you will find that a fetus at eoght weeks has live nerve cells present in their brain stems (these are most certainly NOT "brain waves"; brain waves refer to organized activity in the cortex which are first seen at 20 weeks, sustained at 22 weeks and synchronous at 26-27 weeks).
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