"the cortex isn’t needed to feel pain. The thalamus is needed and is functioning at 8 weeks. Even complete removal of the cortex does not eliminate the sensation of pain. Indeed there seems to be little evidence that pain information reaches the sensory cortex."Now, if we go to the Mayo Clinic we would find the following regarding the thalamus:
"What the thalamus does is act as a sorting and switching station located deep inside the brain. The thalamus quickly forwards the pain message simultaneously to three specialized regions of the brain: the physical sensation region (somatosensory cortex), the emotional feeling region (limbic system) and the thinking region (frontal cortex). Your brain responds to pain by sending messages that moderate the pain in the spinal cord. "
Ummm... you might be asking yourself just how the heck any stimulus could be "felt" if one "completely removes the cortex" considering the thalamus forwards the stimulus message directly to the somatosensory, limbic system and the frontal cortex. You're right... it can't be "felt" without the cortex.
But hey... scientific facts? Who needs 'em... they just think abortion is icky.
It seems that the anti-abortion extremists enjoy using misinformation (considering that they tend to employ this tactic quite regularly.) I'm not sure if they think this will make women decide not to have abortions (although, as far as I know, no woman has ever listed a reason for terminating a pregnancy as "my fetus cannot feel pain.") But never mind those sneaky devils, there will always be people around to ensure that these woman receive accurate medical information (thanks Mayo Clinic!)
On another note... I recently had a fellah (yes, a person who will never know the emotional or physical -not to mention the financial- responsibilities of giving birth to a child) chastise me for using a photograph of a 6 week abortion. He would prefer that I use the photographs that the anti-abortion extremists use (usually very much wanted pregnancies which ended in still birth or therapeutic abortion). Apparently, he is of the mind that a 6 week abortion looks just like a 40 week full term baby (killed moments prior to birth, no less.) OH, the emotional horror!!!
Listen dude... I'm sorry... but this is what a 6 week abortion looks like...

Hey Jasper... go fuck yourself.
"Listen dude... I'm sorry... but this is what a 6 week abortion looks like..."
Oh my God, do some basic research, get edjucated on the subject of fetal development before you go around as an advocate for their destruction! Google it yourself and we'll see who's correct. Take your head out of the sand!
"It is not enough that this guy wants to control my reproduction and my choice of medically accurate information... he would also like to control my use of verbiage.
Hey Jasper... go fuck yourself."
LOL! :)
..and again, why does a women have to claim a health problem before having a late term abortion? why can't she have a late-term abortion for any reason?
Mr. Jasper:
and again, why does a women have to claim a health problem before having a late term abortion? why can't she have a late-term abortion for any reason?
Really? Because women do not gestate a pregnancy past 24 weeks and then just abort on a whim. The reason the Supreme Court included these provisions was because crazies (like some responding on this blog) would suggest that women are terminating viable pregnancies (at 39-40 weeks) because they don't like the way they look in their maternity jeans.
Mr. Jasper:
LOL! :)
I'm actually very pleased at your response... I wasn't sure if you'd get what I was going for!
"The reason the Supreme Court included these provisions was because crazies (like some responding on this blog) would suggest that women are terminating viable pregnancies (at 39-40 weeks) because they don't like the way they look in their maternity jeans."
Ok, just for the sake of argument, If it were up to you, should women be able have late term abortions for any reasons?
btw: George Tiller has done them past 30 weeks, many of the abortions, in his words, are elective.
Mr. Jasper:
Ok, just for the sake of argument, If it were up to you, should women be able have late term abortions for any reasons?
Why do you insist on asking questions that I've already answered? Methinks you wish for me to answer these questions in such a way that would enable you to label me an "evil baby killer". Hey, good luck with that. I fully support the law as it stands. Are you asking me if the law should be changed?
Mr. Jasper:
btw: George Tiller has done them past 30 weeks, many of the abortions, in his words, are elective
Oh dear Lord, Jasper. I've always found the best information regarding abortion does not come from the web sites of extremists.
Per Dr. Tillers website:
"Kansas law allows for post-viability abortion procedures when continuing the pregnancy is detrimental to the pregnant woman's health. Each person's circumstances are reviewed on a case-by-base basis. Please call so that we can discuss admission criteria with you."
... and there is nothing wrong with any of that. I've said all along that I support abortion post-viability due to maternal life and/or health.
MY GOD...websites like actually exist...the cold and callous commentary that is used to rationalize, intellectualize, and justify the destruction of unborn humans? MellanKelly, the vast majority of this infanticide is performed for reasons nearly as spurious as "how they look in maternity jeans". It is often something as ludicrous as "gee, what about my career, my degree, my boyfriend, my car-payment, my friends (whom many of which have had their own children aspirated out of their wombs). Health problems? That is most greatest "straw-man" argument on the planet. The percentage of legitimate "medical" problems that justify abortion (eg. ectopic pregnancy) are insignificant in comparison to the trumped up "depressive disorders" generally used to excuse this behavior. I have worked as a licensed doctoral clinical psychologist for 22 years and have yet to have encountered a clinically legitimate case warranting abortion.
Late-term abortions of convenience being supported on any site that clams to be pro-woman is evidence of the most pernicious psychological desensitization seen in the modern era (second only the German experience in WWII). Spend a little less time plotting to destroy the innocent and read a bit about cognitive-dissonance...a reader could drown in it on this website. it seems some of you virtually "light candles" to a butcher like Tiller, a man who makes his house payments with the blood of the innocents on his hands. Remember also the laymans' psychological axiom that the visceral responses some of you will have to this post will reflect only your own repressed guilt and/or the nerve of truth that I laid out for you.
May the Lord have mercy on your souls.
Dr. Joshua
MY GOD...websites like actually exist
Yes doc, people who have beliefs which differ from yours do exist. And they oftentimes blog. I know, it kinda blows your mind, right?
the vast majority of this infanticide
If infanticide is your issue, you should take it up with someone who authors a blog which supports that practice. This particular post is about abortion (prevents there being an infant & if there is no infant, there certainly cannot be infanticide, right?)
Further, you are certainly entitled to your opinion about what constitutes "convenience" (as repugnant as they may be) but that certainly does not change the fact that a woman's financial/economic situation, familial situation, her ability to care for her children/dependents (as 60% of women who opt to terminate their pregnancies are mothers) and her physical and/or emotional health are more than mere inconveniences to the women faced with those scenario's. But it's good to know that you care so little for the very real difficulties facing these women... that you would much prefer to stand in judgement rather than offer real solutions to these problems. Typical extremist behaviour.
I have worked as a licensed doctoral clinical psychologist for 22 years and have yet to have encountered a clinically legitimate case warranting abortion.
Sure you have, Doc. And I'm the last zion.
"on any site that clams to be pro-woman"
You're free to jam our with your clam out, Doc.
PS as long as we don't force people to do things that will hurt them, God is totally cool with it
~God Bless, Doc!
You are an example of a callous, pathetic narcissist. At any juncture I will be happy to compare my professional credentials as well as academic vitae with whatever you consider yours.
You wrote:
"But it's good to know that you care so little for the very real difficulties facing these women..."
As if YOU do? The deaths of countless numbers of your sisters? You have hardened your heart to that?
Simply put, it is not "insensitive" to hold people accountable for their behaviors..that includes the men that take advantage of the stupidity of promiscuous women.
Ironic...a "person" like you invoking God in your final sentence. Try reading the commandments, before their publication and public viewing are prohibited by other "progressives".
Additionally in typical liberal fashion,your arguments are not based on statistics, research, ethical or rational arguments. They flow from your "feelings" and your colossal sense of entitlement. At least read Bernard Nathanson's expose' on the lies of the pro-abortion movement, he is more qualified than you to expose it for what is was and is. I suppose the selfishness you feel must be related to some childhood trauma or just possibly just drinking the secular koolade sold at most universities.
You consistently offer no concise retort other than something akin to "nyah, nyah," that is just how I "feel"..and that is just "too bad" if you don't like it...wow, you must be in line for an Ivy League fellowship.
Finally,the arrogance ,"God is totally cool with it" ( I suppose the Lord has installed a hot-line right into your little home) that you display bespeaks your limited education and life experience.
Continue to rationalize...it may soothe what is left of your conscience.
At any juncture I will be happy to compare my professional credentials as well as academic vitae with whatever you consider yours.
Super... I'm anxiously awaiting the receipt of your curriculum vita because I am certain that anonymous "doctors" on the Internet wouldn't fib about their work experience, educational background &/or skills.
Oh, and me.... why, I'm just your average Joe, that's all.
The deaths of countless numbers of your sisters? You have hardened your heart to that?
For someone who professes massive amounts of knowledge, you seem to lack poorly in your reading comprehension skills. It is a direct result of these "countless" (actually, the maternal mortality rate is something which is very much "counted" by WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA and the World Bank:
http://www.who.int/reproductive-health/publications/maternal_mortality_2005/mme_2005.pdf) that I work so hard to ensure that women are in charge of making their own private medical decisions. More women die from complications due to pregnancy, labor and/or childbirth than from complications due to abortion. Don't you believe we should do what we can to reduce the MMR?
that includes the men that take advantage of the stupidity of promiscuous women.
Hey Doc... is this how you express your concern for women? Name-calling, slut-shaming, judging? The disdain that you feel for women who wish to control not only their sexuality but their reproduction is quite evident, kudos on keeping with the anti-abortion stereotypical behaviours. The Army of God would be so very proud.
Finally,the arrogance ,"God is totally cool with it" ( I suppose the Lord has installed a hot-line right into your little home) that you display bespeaks your limited education and life experience.
That isn't arrogance... it's a personal belief system. Much like the personal belief system which allows you to believe that God is anti-abortion because of some commandment written by a man in the bible. Or perhaps God has only installed that hot-line directly to the home of your religious leader? I so love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning.
Additionally in typical liberal fashion,your arguments are not based on statistics, research, ethical or rational arguments.
Just take a second to peruse my blog or research yourself, my arguments are based on valid scientific data & legal precedent (and some good ole fashioned common sense/moral value) Unless you're another one of those "pro-abortion conspiracy" theorists? Oh God... another anti-abortion extremist who believes that the WHO, the CDC, the NCI, the NIH, the APA, the AMA and countless other government agencies from all over the world are involved in a massive conspiracy to terminate all pregnancies. Fabulous.
you must be in line for an Ivy League fellowship
Wow... your superior intellect must make it super difficult for you to interact with all us inferior types.
Try reading the commandments
What the heck would the bible have to do with anything I've written? The bible wasn't penned by God and it certainly is not without error.
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