Erika Lutz is a writer of both fiction and non-fiction and wrote about her abortion experience; called "My Good Abortion"... there is also audio found here if you'd rather listen. I so love women who share their experiences with abortion - good, bad or indifferent we must end the stigma surrounding this medical procedure.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
4 days ago
"I so love women who share their experiences with abortion - good, bad or indifferent we must end the stigma surrounding this medical procedure."
don't you understand that abortion is evil to it's core? You will never, ever be able to end the stigma.
Obviously you haven't been paying attention Mr. Anonymous.
Abortion can be a perfectly normal and acceptable part of the reproductive lives of girls and women.
Abortion is most certainly not evil, not in any sense of that word.
Sorry dude... the stigma is dead.
It's not part of reproduction; it's termination. Look up reproduction. To kill a human is murder. Babies are human. Therefore, to kill babies is murder. No matter what you have manipulated yourself into believing - it is a lie.
truth: It's not part of reproduction; it's termination. Look up reproduction.
mellankelly: First, with the name... oh, how I love irony!
Second, regarding my completely and utterly true statement that abortion can be a perfectly normal and acceptable part of the reproductive lives of girls and women... Mr. truth, you should totally look up "reproductive" and then you might want to look up "lives" and we'll just throw in "girls", "women", "normal", "acceptable" and "part" for good measure. Of course, this is all assuming that you are also capable of understanding the differences between nouns, adverbs and adjectives (and one really ought not "assume" when one is dealing with anti-abortion extremists.)
Well, good luck with all that... please do get back to us when you have a valid point.
ps. murder is a legal term... further, killing humans is not one and the same with "murder" (does the term "unlawful" mean anything to you?) it appears as if you've deluded yourself into believing that you are the person in charge of changing the meanings of words to suit your fancy.
pps. I totally agree that killing babies is murder, I mean, that is an actual fact (unlawful and all) although, depending on the circumstances it is sometimes called "manslaughter". The people who murder (or manslaughter) babies will go to jail or psychiatric facilities. But murdering people (including babies) is most certainly not the issue here... stick with the subject at hand. Focus people!
You are not very intelligent are you Kelly?
Biology. the natural process among organisms by which new individuals are generated and the species perpetuated.
to kill or slaughter inhumanly or barbarously.
Truthiness: You are not very intelligent are you Kelly?
Mellankelly: First, let's use the definition of the actual word I used (reproductive.) Then, let's say we use medical dictionaries when referencing medical terminology, shall we?
Main Entry: re·pro·duc·tive
Pronunciation: r-pr-dk-tiv
Function: adjective
: of, relating to, functioning in, or capable of reproduction (reproductive organs)
- re·pro·duc·tive·ly adverb
And, just for kicks, lets use a legal dictionary when referencing legal terms, shall we?
Definition - Noun
[partly from Old English morthor; partly from Old French murdre, of Germanic origin]
: the crime of unlawfully and unjustifiably killing another under circumstances defined by statute (as with premeditation)
Listen, I understand that you are compelled to make stuff up (or use misinformation - intentional or not) in order to attempt to get your point across but it never has been and will continue not to be an effective way to argue.
You have no idea how to formulate a sound and valid argument called a syllogism. I placed one before you at the beginning of this blog and you had no idea how to deal with it. I can't believe you think that what you are doing is good. By the way, the website that you use for Embryology is crazy. You want to talk about distortions... You people use that website and the baby is made to look like an animal or blob of cells. Try looking at real pictures sometime, or would that be too realistic for you? If you have killed your babies I am sorry for you, but you have lied to yourself, Kelly.
Mr. Truth: You have no idea how to formulate a sound and valid argument called a syllogism. I placed one before you at the beginning of this blog and you had no idea how to deal with it.
mellankelly: I'm not sure where you believe you produced this argument (beginning of the blog? this blog began in early 2008)
If you meant this nonsense:
"To kill a human is murder. Babies are human. Therefore, to kill babies is murder"
... nobody is advocating killing babies so that was most certainly not a syllogism, it was a logical fallacy.
Murder is the crime of unlawfully and unjustifiably killing another person under circumstances defined by statute (as with premeditation) Abortion is (a) lawful and (b) the termination of a pregnancy (there are no "persons" killed.) Therefor, abortion is not (and never has been) murder.
** important to note re: syllogism;
"the middle term must not be used in a double sense in the premise, nor may it be ambiguous, nor equivocal **
ps. you really ought to have researched this thoroughly, being absolutely certain that your statements passed the term test in order to avoid looking like a buffoon.
Mr. Truth: By the way, the website that you use for Embryology is crazy
mellankelly: Yes, I know... you don't believe in science and it scares you.
Mr. Truth: You want to talk about distortions... You people use that website and the baby is made to look like an animal or blob of cells.
mellankelly: Trust me, it wasn't easy finding non-biased info regarding human reproduction but I figured I was safe with using this site as it references (in several area's) the Carnegie stages, which are named after the famous Institute which began collecting and classifying embryos in the early 1900's. One of the Carnegie Institution personnel, Franklin P. Mall began and edited (in 1915) the first six issues of the Contributions to Embryology and co-founded the American Journal of Anatomy.
I understand that when "we people" use information based in accurate scientific fact it really pisses you off but I, for one, do not believe that to be a valid reason why I should stop using accurate scientific information in my argument.
Mr. Truth: Try looking at real pictures sometime, or would that be too realistic for you?
mellankelly: Is that sort of like how looking at the facts is too factual for you?
Mr. Truth: If you have killed your babies I am sorry for you, but you have lied to yourself, Kelly
mellankelly: I swear to you, I gave birth to three babies and their are still three children running amok in my house. If anything I have more "babies" in this house then I actually gave birth to... they're multiplying and may be plotting my end as we speak.
Further, studies done have proven that the majority of women who terminate their pregnancies already have children.
ps. Why do anti-abortion extremists always insist that anyone who believes that the pregnant woman is the most qualified person to make decisions regarding her pregnancy have murdered their children? I think it's a bit of ad hominem mixed together with a good ole' dose of emotibabble which includes some men made of straw thrown in for good measure.
This New South Wales Embryology website is insane. They are literally attempting to make the baby look like it's not human. They actually compare a human fetus to a pig fetus - disgusting. You need to go to the library and rent "the biology of Prenatal Development" Distributed by National Geographic. You can call Bruce M. Carlson, M.D., Ph.D. Professo, Cell and Development Biology at University of Michigan Medical School and ask him about Prenatal Development because this Embryology thing that you advertise is not very scientific. Looks like some 3yr olds put the site together - no, they would do better probably.
Mr. Truth: This New South Wales Embryology website is insane. They are literally attempting to make the baby look like it's not human.
mellankelly: Literally? I'm sorry that zygotes and embryo's do not look like perfectly pink neonates. I'm sorry that the early fetus does not look like a joyful toddler. I have no control over what a zygote, embryo or a fetus looks like and frankly I could not give one tiny little rat sass - what difference does it make? Embryology is what it is. Deal with it because I don't think you can change biology. Can you?
Mr. Truth: They actually compare a human fetus to a pig fetus - disgusting
mellankelly: Uh, oh... somebody doesn't understand the scientific method and/or process.
Mr. Truth: Looks like some 3yr olds put the site together - no, they would do better probably
mellankelly: Literally.
ps. it occurred to me that you may not be a Mr. truth but a Ms. truth or Mrs. truth and if so, I just wanted to say sorry about the Mr. thing.
So you agree that this website is a joke, no? I mean it looks like it was put together for pro-abortion people to refer people to a scientific website but in reality it is not very scientific. I have seen pictures of babies in the womb at 7 weeks old taken with fiberoptic cameras and these Carnegie pictures look nothing like the actual babies in the womb. I can send you a video that shows the actual prenatal growth of a baby if you want. You could show it to your kids - it's amazing. It's the National Geographic video I mentioned - you can probably buy it online too. This Carnegie thing looks very outdated - is it designed to look a little fuzzy, etc.?
Mr. Truth: So you agree that this website is a joke, no?
mellankelly: No.
Mr. Truth: I mean it looks like it was put together for pro-abortion people to refer people to a scientific website but in reality it is not very scientific.
mellankelly: Have you visited lately? I think the "facts" part should have little quotes around it like I just did. Again, embryology just is... I'm sorry if you aren't partial to factual information. You know, there is something you can do about that: educate yourself.
Mr. Truth: I have seen pictures of babies in the womb...
mellankelly: No, you haven't.
Mr. Truth: Carnegie pictures look nothing like the actual babies in the womb
mellankelly: For the love of... do yourself a favor and OPEN UP AN EMBRYOLOGY BOOK!! Any embryology book and find this:
"Carnegie stages are a system used by embryologists to describe the apparent maturity of embryos."
*** all embryologists... even the ones who are anti-abortion ***
Medical science is not scary, I promise.
I looked at the scientist responsible for Embryology
Earnst Haeckel
Seems like Embryology is a farse. Why not just look at modern medicine? Prenatal Development?
It just seems that Embryology takes the focus off the child developing in the womb and makes it seem like it's just another animal.
Do you think that Humans are just animals with higher functioning brain capacity?
Mr. Truth: Seems like Embryology is a farse. Why not just look at modern medicine? Prenatal Development?
mellankelly: You actually wrote that. Wow.
Embryology IS modern medicine (unless you wish to change the meaning of the words modern medicine.)
Prenatal development is the process of growth and development from the single celled zygote to the embryo and the fetus until birth. Prenatal development encompasses embryology, you damned fool. You've done nothing for your cause.
Check this out. It even incorporates your silly outdated embryology poster thing - instead of clinging to bad photos of babies inside the womb - check out what they really look like. By the way sorry for the delay in response - I was on my honeymoon. As far as doing something for the cause of savings God's unborn children, I am only an instrument in His choir.
Um... "Rosary films"? First... pa-LEASE with the religious nonsense. On top of that there are blatant inaccuracies involving fetal development (for instance, when a fetus could possibly feel anything)... no resources, nothing to back up these claims. You cannot find this crap anyplace other than anti-abortion websites filled with pseudoscience, misinformation, half truths and outright lies.
In short: FAIL.
You may not have the ability (nor the inclination, if you're religious) to research these things but I have done enough over the past 10+ years and can assure you that this oft debunked information is about as accurate as George W's Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Don't get me wrong, I understand the reason you feel compelled to use this erroneous information but it isn't going to fly with the general population. Not everyone is a religious fruit-balloon nor are they anti-abortion extremists.
PS Perhaps you should stick with preaching to the choir.
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